That being said there is only one thing to get me out of this funk and that's a roadtrip to Sin City!!! You heard me - the DH and I decided whilst in the shower this morning to say "Screw it!" So we made reservations and are heading to Vegas today around 3! Woohoo!!! Can't wait!!!
I stopped into Starbucks this morning and right off the bat I noticed their sleeves were different. Sleeves (for all you non-Starbucks peeps) are the recycled cardboard thingys they put on their drinks when the cups are too hot to hold. They are white with a brown logo - or siren as it's called. Upon closer investigation, I noticed the Siren itself is also changed!! According to the girl behind the counter they are going back to their old siren. I had to do a little research but I managed to find all three. Here you go:
As you can see this one is quite risque. They actually stopped using this one to avoid any controversy over their store logo. So they switched to this one:Still didn't satisfy the conservative crowd, so that's when they ended up using the one most of us are familiar with:
I must admit I am surprised they would revert back to the original, although I think it's cool and it is my favorite. One thing to note the new old version says "Starbucks * Fresh Roasted Coffee*" It doesn't say "Coffee Tea Spices".
In honor of the day it seems only fitting to have the SONG OF THE DAY as "Viva Las Vegas" by the King, Elvis Presley.
CONGRATS on your spur of the moment trip!! Ah, to be free to do that!!! Have a blast!
the original siren is at the original starbucks in seattle.....
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